Monday, April 20, 2009

It's a sad day

There's a certain desire to stop remembering the anniversaries of the Columbine shootings. And I fully agree that the people in our business could create more copy-cat incidents by spending as much time as they do recounting what happened, who/what caused it and what has been done/could be done to prevent it.
But today is still a tough day for anyone who works around young men and women. Grown-ups on the prep sports circuit have one thing in common – a good experience for their athletes. Athletes on the prep sports circuit genuinely appreciate the time the coaches spend with them and the time the press spends covering their efforts.
Maybe the prep sports beat is as close to Mayberry as we can get these days. The Columbine shootings remind us there is an unfortunate side of life outside a playing field and outside the traditional norms of a classroom.
That's sad, and we don't need the media to tell us about it ad nauseam.
We know.

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