Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This anthem's for you

It's an honor to represent your sport for the Olympics, even if half the men's basketball team plays in the NBA.
It's a bigger honor to represent your country in the Olympics.
But watching several medal ceremonies the past few days made me wonder how big an honor it was for the gold medalists to stand on the platform and hear their own national anthems.
My guess (obviously, there are no Olympics in my future any time soon)? Priceless.
One of the American female swimmers almost didn't make it through the Star Spangled Banner last night .. sorry, it was late and I can't think of her name. She fought back those tears all the way through the anthem, and then out they came. Just as if someone turned on a spigot.
Those sorts of pictures (and one's individual thoughts) are far better memories of the Olympic Games than wondering about drug testing or the level playing field that may or may not exist in gymnastics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Francis Scott Key for giving us a reason to forget our over inflated egos, if not for 115 seconds or so. maybe if we play the dance extended version (15 minutes or so) we could get some of our athletes to act like descent human beings for lets say a whole week! We can only dream, we can only dream.