Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Filling in her spare time

Jeanne Zelasko, formerly of the (free) Fox TV baseball warm-up show (axed for the coming year) is angling to become a new TV voice for the L.A. Dodgers, according to www.awfulannouncing.com.
She admits to knowing nothing about baseball, in spite of whatever she learned from former Manager Kevin Kennedy during the alleged baseball discussions that preceded Fox's baseball games the past several years.
The man who would be her cohort, Vin Scully, makes broadcasting seem very easy. But it isn't, particularly if your assignment is baseball. There's a considerable amount of dead time to fill, whether it's with anecdotes, stats or (heaven forbid) letting the audience listen to the crowd.
First views? She'd be in for a rough start, no question about it. And it would be quite a change from being the star of a program to being a supporting player.

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